Extended Chart Selection

Birth data
Zodiac and houses


Ayanamsha is the deviation in degrees of the sidereal from the tropical zodiac at a given epoch.

Sidereal astrologers dissent from each other on the question where exactly in the firmament the sidereal zodiac should have its initial point (0° Aries). For this reason, there are several different sidereal zodiacs. These are defined by their respective ayanamshas.

Detailed explanations on ayanamsha are given in the followign article: Artikel Ayanamshas in Sidereal Astrology.

Please select this option only if you really know what you are doing.
Lunar Node = 0° Aries. Please select this option only if you really know what you are doing.

Please select this option only if you really know what you are doing.
Display and calculation options
Calculation options
True Node
Mean Node
Descending Node
day formula for Pars Fortunae (Option is ignored with chart styles "Hellenistic" and "Arabic Points")
6 fixed stars in zodiac
Traditional astrology options
Uranus - Pluto off/on (7 classical planets, no asteroids and no fixed stars)
Chiron off
traditional decans
Chaldean decans
Manilius decans
Egyptian terms
Chaldaean terms
Ptolemaean terms (Lilly)
Ptolemaean terms (Houlding)
with Zodiacal Release
to Chiron
to lunar node and eclipses
to all objects
draw no aspect lines (Other options concerning aspects are ignored)
only major aspects (0,180,90,120,60°) (Options for quintiles/biquintiles and semi-/sesquisquares are ignored)
quintiles/biquintiles (72°, 144°) (Option does not work with all drawing styles)
semisquare/sesquisquares (45°, 135°) (Option does not work with all drawing styles)
add orb table in "additional tables"
% Reduce/increase orbs

landscape, if possible
anonymised drawing (without name)
adjust planet position marks
Additional objects

Common elements:

Selection from following lists:

- Asteroid name/number list with 23838 names

Selecting Asteroid Numbers from a List

Please note that the total number of additional objects in a chart is limited to 10.

A typical use of this feature is to construct family charts, where asteroids named like the family members are added to a normal chart. Currently there are about 23838 asteroids named officially by the IAU (International Astronomical Union).
This list is updated from http://www.minorplanetcenter.net/iau/lists/MPNames.html periodically.

It is not (yet) possible to buy a name in the list; you must discover a new asteroid and you will receive the right to suggest a name.

This is an alphabetical listing of the names of the numbered minor planets. It was last updated on 31 Mar 2023.

A click on an asteroid name leads to a Nasa-JPL page with orbital details about the named asteroid. This JPL page opens in a separate window or browser tab.

- List of fixed stars
- List of other horoscope factors and "hypothetical" planets
You can enter the objects as a comma-separated list. For asteroids use their official catalogue numbers, for fixed stars their names, and for other objects their list numbers according to the link given below, e.g. "433,227,Sirius,Regulus,h21,h22,h48". Altogether, the limit is 11 additional objects.
Default settings
Standard drawing: Personal default setting

Personal default setting for chart drawings

You can define a default setting for the way you would like to show your charts, including your preferred chart drawing style, options and additional objects. This default setting is saved in your profile and is used for all charts on astro.com. Please follow these steps:

Define your personal default setting:

  1. Go to the "Extended chart selection" and choose your preferred chart method, options and additional objects.
  2. Click to show the chart.
  3. Now click the link "Save as default setting" (above the chart).

Changing your personal default setting:

  1. Create a new chart with your preferred options.
  2. Click to show the chart.
  3. Click the link to save the default setting again. The previous setting will be replaced by your new one.

Deleting your personal default setting:

  1. If you delete your personal default setting, all charts will be shown using the Astrodienst setting.
  2. You can find the delete button in the "Extended chart selection" as well as in your profile ("My Astro", View/change preferences and subscriptions").

Please note that the selection of too many additional factors may turn smaller chart drawings like the "Horoscope of the moment" illegible.

Reference place: Tarragona, SPAIN, 1e15, 41n07 modify data
Reset the form: Astrodienst setting Reset